It is never easy being a Mom but being an Army Mom really has had some challenges. You always want the best for your children - that is never a question for any mother. When my second to the oldest decided very early on that he wanted to join the Army I never really gave it any thought because I knew he wanted to follow in his grandfathers footsteps. My sons know that I support them 100% in all of the decisions they have made in their life.

When my son left for boot camp I thought that was the hardest thing I would have to get through but when he told me he was deploying to Afghanistan that was a whole different ball game for me. I had my moments of crying, breaking down and praying several times a day to just please keep my son safe. I made sure that I set up my Facebook account so when my son signed online that I was immediately notified so I could get online, didn't matter what time of day it was - sleep came second to talking to my son. I made sure I set up my Skype account so when he was able to use Skype I could see his face and know that he truly was ok. It was the longest year this Mom has ever been through. Fortunately my son is home, back on US Soil but the worries haven't stopped there. PTSD is real in our family now. My son has been dealing with so much since he got back and not a day goes by that I don't worry about it, doesn't matter how old your children are when it comes to something this serious.
My son has gone back and forth as to whether he will re-enlist when the time comes. Of course if it was my decision I wouldn't do it because of how things have gotten over in Afghanistan but it is not my decision and again my son knows that what ever he decides I will be there to support him 100%.

I have made some amazing friends through PODS and several other Army Mom groups that have made some of this a little easier.
When you think your life is tough please remember us Army Moms who really have the challenge. Having your child in a war zone is not something I wish on anyone.
I thank God everyday that my son is back home with his family who loves him so very much and is safe.